Tuesday, April 11, 2006

More Spring Arrivals

On April 5th, while watching the sky over my backyard, I saw a few Broad-winged Hawks pass over and heard a Common Nighthawk for the first time this spring.

Spent the better part of yesterday working and birding in my yard. In the morning Broad-winged Hawks were migrating, and I also spotted a distant Mississippi Kite. Saw a Gray Catbird fly into a neighbor's yard, and had my first Orchard Oriole of the season singing atop our tall pecan tree. A Yellow-throated Vireo was singing in the oaks by our back fence, and didn't even pause its song while it was busy throttling a large worm! Now that's multi-tasking. Then in the late afternoon a male Summer Tanager started calling. Since I hadn't heard it earlier in the day I figure it must have just arrived, fresh from the tropics.


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